Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Resurrection Day!

Lord, you live! Alleluia! Alleluia!
What have we to fear?
Your resurrecting love has overcome
the darkest night. You are alive!
May the light of this news shine
from every cell in our body,
in every thought of our mind,
in every breath of our spirit.
You are alive,
and we exalt You with joy!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

I think sometimes that I struggle with calling the Friday before Easter "Good." And really, how many people ever slow down long enough to think about it? How can we (how dare we?) call the day that Jesus was nailed to a Cross - the day that he experienced such amazing physical pain - "good?"

Then I come face to face with the Message of the Cross, which is this: The demands of justice that I was due to pay for my wrong-doings to a holy, just God were paid by Jesus taking my place on a wooden execution stake. Theologians call this "substitutionary atonement." All I know is that by His Grace and Mercy, I AM FREE.

And that is GOOD.

If you have never given your life to Jesus - if you have never accepted Jesus' atoning work done on the cross in your place - I invite you to email me (thirdstringATyahooDOTcom). I'd love to listen to your questions, and walk a path towards Jesus together.

May the Marvelous Light of Easter shine brightly on you this weekend. Peace!

To read a physician's account of the crucifixion, go here.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Maundy Thursday

The Thursday of Holy Week is known as Maundy Thursday, and it is for me always a profound day. The Cross was just hours away, and Jesus knew that time was short. He spent his last hours in an intimate setting around a table with his disciples - his friends - and gave them amazingly direct and revolutionary teaching. First by washing feet, and then simply by uttering the new commandment to "love one another," Jesus taught us about Kingdom Living. And the world has never been the same.
Today, we will all have things crying out for our time and affections, from baseball games to jobs to a hungry family ready for supper. In the swirling moments of this day, I urge you to create a quiet space and read John 13. Listen to the heart of the Rabbi teach on Love, knowing that the Cross will soon be his to carry. And may we all carry his Kingdom Message.

(You can learn more about Maundy Thursday here and here.)

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Passionate Worship

I have been staggered by this song since my friend Kevin shared it with me last weekend. This Holy Week, may you too be overcome by How He Loves Us. Peace!