Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Emergency

The county that I live in has declared a "snow emergency." The local newspaper had the announcement on its web site, which allows comments on the stories. Here are two such comments:

Mrs.WTuesday, January 27, 2009:
10:02 pm

After reading what WBIW.COM has written about
the weather, I think I should of bought more milk and

jlgaddisTuesday, January 27,
2009: 10:05 pm

Mrs.W said:After reading what WBIW.COM has
written about the weather, I think I should of bought more milk and
I should've bought more beer.

Gotta love the spirit of the people of Lawrence County!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Cracked Front View

I gotta be honest. I’d like a new vehicle. If not new, at least new to me. All of our vehicles have 100K miles, complete with rattles and knocks. I battle feeling second class when I take my kids and their friends somewhere. No DVD in the van. No new car smell. Only spilt coffee stains and dirty, sweaty sports gear. Sweet.

While I’d like a different vehicle, the reality is, like many folks caught in our economic funk, it just ain’t happenin’. So I’ve been kind of pouting about not having any money. Yada yada yada. Know what I mean?

And then on New Year’s Eve, someone politely threw a bottle at the windshield of my van, shattering the glass. It’s funny how my desires shifted. In the time it took for the spider web of cracks to run across my windshield, I found myself only wishing that I could get my old 146K mile “Adventure Wagon” put back together so it would be safe. Wishing for a cool ride was replaced by being thankful that I at least had a van that my family could fit into.

With the toss of a bottle, God taught me about contentment. May it be a lesson that stays with me as my old van carries the Collins’ to further adventures!