I’m writing from Spring Mill State Park this morning. It’s sweatshirt weather, and a fire has felt good – for me, it’s the best time of year. My children, Jacob and Michaela have friends all around. The Hardman boys, Graham and Samuel, Brennan Fults, Tyler Blackburn and Mica Sloan all are running around, playing in leaves, climbing on the playground, laughing and living. It’s a good day!
The leaves are really changing, seemingly overnight. I love the florescent orange of the maples. There are burnt, deep reds, yellows from the Tulip Poplars, and the still green accents of the pines. God has put on display a wonderful reminder of what true beauty looks like – thank you Jesus for the show!
A solid cloudbank coats the sky, and I hope it’s not a sign of rain to come. Grant me the grace to accept whatever weather this day (and night!) holds. (This prayer became very prophetic when the clouds began dumping rain at dusk, and kept pouring most of the night!)
I’ve mentioned this in an earlier post, but I’m reminded again of how people seem friendlier when they’re camping. “Hellos” flow more easily off the tongue while conversations seem more casual and down to earth. I think folks seem to breathe easier. So my question is “why?” Is it because we are closer to God’s created order? Or is it maybe because we step back from our insane pace of life, where we’re consumed with acquiring “more” and “better” and if even for just a few days, we experience life more in rhythm with how God imagined it for us? The smiles, waves, and hellos flow naturally because we are in community (pardon the use of a word worn out these days!). We are sharing space, the outdoors and even God (knowingly or unknowingly) with one another. Certainly, days like these are gifts from a Savior who delights in presenting them to his children. Jesus, grant us the wisdom to live them fully.
Spring Mill State Park
Mitchell, IN
October 20, 2005
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