Monday, July 09, 2007


In Nehemiah 8, the people in Jerusalem have gathered to hear Ezra read the Torah; Nehemiah has led them to complete the rebuilding of the wall. Ezra reads God's word, and everyone is weeping as they realize the weight of those words.

And then Nehemiah says, "This day is holy to God . . . Go home and prepare a feast, holiday food and drink, and share it with those who don't have anything . . . the joy of God is your strength."

Nehemiah 8:12 then concludes, "Now they got it; they understood the reading that had been given to them."

I've been thinking of my children lately, and what I've really taught them of the Lord, and this hit me in the face: How can I expect them to understand social justice, compassion, simplicity . . . The Gospel! . . . if I'm not seeking to really, honestly live those things out in my life?

Are my kids thinking that Jesus came just for eternal life to be given to them? Am I tying his message together in how I live, and how I am teaching them to live?

Lord Jesus - speak to my soul. What kind of legacy am I leaving Jacob and Michaela? What kind of example am I leaving them to follow? Who/What am I pointing them to as the Center of life?

O Lord, hear my prayer. AMEN.

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