Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Making Sense of the Bailout Mess

I'm a pretty simple guy, especially when it comes to money (and the study thereof). I also like pictures that tell stories. If you want a simple visual explanation of why our country is facing our current - and potentially devastating - financial mess, then you might appreciate this:

1 comment:

Paul said...

If you find yourself in more debt than you should be carrying, or you are just unsure what is appropriate, consider the following. Adopt a "10-10-10-70 Plan" to plan your financial affairs. Simply put, 10% to God, 10% to savings (never to be touched), 10% to debt reduction (paid to reduce your principle balance) and with the remaining 70%, live. It can be tough medicine to follow, but if you are committed, it will work and you will watch your debt go away and your savings grow.

Another technique in reducing debt is to start with the smallest balance first (regardless of the interest rate) and work hard to eliminate. Then take the same amount of money and apply to the next smallest balance, and so on until ALL of your debt is eliminated.

Hope this helps someone...