Saturday, November 07, 2009

Journey Management

Each year, the government requires that my company is to give me eight hours of annual safety refresher training. Yesterday was my day to sit and watch videos on how to give CPR, which fire extinguishers are for what kind of fires, and how to safely de-energize an electric motor. Big fun! :)

But there was a section of the class intended for those at my plant who work on the rotating shifts, and it had some great content on how to sleep well under those tough circumstances. The video they showed was actually very informative, and in it was a section entitled "Journey Management" which dealt with driving home safely after working a night shift.

But I gotta be honest - after I heard "Journey Management", I heard little else. I thought that was a brilliant description, not so much for a section of a DVD dealing with circadian rhythms and work, but for those of us who are walking through our days with Jesus. A series of questions tumbled out of my head after I considered that phrase, and so I'll share them with you in hopes of prompting some good conversation.
  • Do you consider yourself to be "on" a journey, or is life just a series of steps where you hit "play/rewind/repeat"?
  • Are you on your journey alone, or with others? Lone Ranger or do you have a Tonto? Who is your posse? Do you have peeps? :)
  • Where are you going on your journey? (Cue up Dave Matthews please)
  • Are you satisfied with your journey?
  • Do you need to start out on a new path, a new trail, a new journey for a new day?
We are all on a journey, really. But as I type this, I so want me - and you too - to seek the best journey. The journey that will end with hearing "Well Done."

If you've lost your way, maybe we can rediscover the path, together. Peace.

1 comment:

DeAnne said...

Thought-provoking. Thanks. DeAnne