Friday, December 01, 2006

Inflection Point

I'm a big fan of Jim Collins and his book Good to Great. As well done as that book is, Collins realized that its principles don't correlate directly to the social sector. So, he published a monograph (which is a fancy way of saying "booklet"), entitled: Good to Great and the Social Sectors -- Why Business Thinking Is Not the Answer. If you are involved in church leadership, I highly recommend that you read both of these books, as an understanding of the principles from the book help cement the ideas that the booklet, er, I mean "monograph" suggest.

But none of that is exactly why I'm writing this post. Today, Tulip Street Christian Church begins a 3 day consultation with a church health/growth organization. It is my deep belief that these next 3 days will be for our church an "inflection point" as Collins describes in his book and this graph demonstrates:

As I enter into these days, I am walking in to them on my knees, as it is my hope, my desire and my prayer that as a people of God we go from Good to Great. May it be so.

Will we look back at this time and see that the inflection point was positive or negative? Time will tell.

Come Lord Jesus; Your people need You!

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