Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I was talking with a friend last night, and he mentioned the white bracelet I wear on my wrist. He said he had clicked the link on my blog and checked out the ONE Campaign, and wanted to order some bracelets. A very simple way for money to be raised to respond to a very serious issue -- global poverty. It's almost second nature for us to say, "What difference can one person make, anyway?" Here's what I am starting to believe. When one person locks arms with one other person, they are stronger. When those two lock arms with others, the chain grows. But it all begins with ONE.

I'm going to give my friend a bracelet, but I also want to encourage him -- and you -- to visit the home of the ONE Campaign. Check out who has signed on in support -- look past the famous actors and actresses to the organizations. And give a thought to signing the Declaration yourself, and ordering some bracelets or T-shirts. Order knowing that the money will go to Make Poverty History.

It's the power of One.

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