Friday, July 13, 2007

If I Die Today

If you've read much on this blog, you know a couple of things about me. One is that I love my kids deepely. And two is that I have had bouts of chest pain over the last 9 months or so that have really caused me to examine my life. Yes, the doctors tell me that my heart is fine, and to chill. And at the risk of whining, I will tell you (again) that living with chest pain is hard. There is a persistent fear that kind of eats at you. But over the last couple of months, I really think I'm learning to "get on with it." One thing that has helped me is trying to capture some things that I would want to make sure that Jacob and Michaela learned from my life - I started a file on my computer called "If I Die Today" and told Rachelle it was there. As I think of something else to pass on, or God reveals a bit more to me of what it means to "live," I just add to the list. And this week it's dawned on me: Why wait until I'm gone to share with them these things? Heck, I'm hoping it's a looooooooooong time before I meet Jesus face to face! :) These things need to be shared with my kids NOW so that they learn from my life while there is time to do something about theirs, hopefully together!

So without further ado, here is my running list of things I want to share with my kids.

If I die today . . .

• I would want to tell Jacob and Michaela to risk more for Jesus than I did. Don’t settle for comfortable and predictable. Trust Jesus, and follow Him. He made you each uniquely, and in doing so, has plans for you that only you can fulfill. Live those out! Be bold, be silly (according to the world) – don’t let someone steal your dreams – be passionate! Live!!!
• See the world. I regret not taking you guys more often to places that so wonderfully display God’s beauty (I’m thinking of mountains, lakes, etc. like Canada and/or the Western US) – Go and see for yourself what color the sunset is that hangs over the Grand Canyon – God made up the color, and He displays it for you. Live those experiences!
• Learn to connect to Jesus, and experience Him in the everyday. For me, it is hard to separate prayer from Bible study – one usually leads to the other. I capture that whole deal in a journal. I would encourage you both to write, lots! Some things I think God gives us just for us, but other things are meant to share. Both can be “owned” in a journal. Your life is an adventure (see point 1!), and is more so as you see “with eyes to see” and hear “with ears to hear.” Learn to see God in the everyday, and make His Kingdom come to life in YOUR everyday.
• You are a part of a story – it’s ongoing even today. I played a part, and you’re still playing yours. Seek out the role that God has for you, and live it. Make someone else’s story end better because you were in theirs. Soak in the story – see it as beauty and truth. Live out its grace, mercy and compassion. But above all, share the story. It’s a great one!

(original file began on October 16, 2006)

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