Monday, March 24, 2008

Marvelous Light

The day after Easter is huge for me. The season of Lent is over. The intense focus of Holy Week is over. Life continues, but now the question must be asked, "What do I do with the Risen Christ?"

How will my life be different now that He has risen? How will your life be different? Allow yourself to slow down a bit and consider things like how your time is spent. How your money is spent. Who are you helping today? How are you expressing joy? Expressing mercy? Compassion? Justice? Am I seeking Jesus in the scriptures and in prayer? Is He remaking me into His image, today?

How will your life's story end, because you follow Jesus?

May abundant life be yours today.

I may be down but I will rise,
It may be dark but God is light.

Sin has lost its power,
Death has lost its sting,
and from the grave You've risen victoriously!

Into Marvelous Light I'm running,
Out of darkness, out of shame,
by the Cross You are the Truth,
You are the Life, You are the Way.


(to be continued, daily . . .)

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