Tuesday, March 03, 2009

No Line On The Horizon

I skipped lunch today to zip to Wal Mart and pick up U2's latest album "No Line On The Horizon."
Been rockin' it all afternoon - it's got what you've come to expect from U2: Deep, thoughtful lyrics, classic Edge guitar, a probing spiritual bent voiced by Bono, all mixed in with some driving rock grooves and a bit of an attitude. Give it a listen, I think you'll dig it!


Paul said...

iTunes store? Saves gas, time, and most of all, keeps one from skipping lunch! I think even wally world has an online music store?

Michael said...

Two responses: 1) I am a liner notes junkie, and love reading them; somehow a pdf file isn't the same. And 2) Digital rights management. Some times, I want to be able to do whatever I want with the songs, ya know?

Having said that, 95% of my music purchases are through iTunes, but every once in awhile, when it's a little more special (like U2) I get the real deal.

And I still say nothing beats the old vinyl experience anyway! :)

Paul said...

I am with you 'old timer' on the vinyl days! Nothing like the Bee Gees scratching across a really bad turntable to make you wanna get up and boogie!!!