Monday, March 05, 2007

Praying With the Church, March 2007

Please join me in lifting up the needs of those who I share life in Christ with at Tulip Street Christian Church, and those in our community who grant us the honor and privilege of praying.

Scott and Susie Hamilton requests prayer for Bev Hartwig. She is having some problems after her heart surgery and is in a rehab. center. Lord, hear our prayers.

Jeana Hill requests prayer in dealing with family matters. Lord, hear our prayers.

Samantha Johnson requests prayer for herself when returning to school. Lord, hear our prayers.

Kelly Morris requests an unspoken prayer for Merrill King. Lord, hear our prayers.

Shawna Morris requests prayer for Dustin White. He is currently in the Marine Corp and leaves for Iraq this month. Lord, hear our prayers.

Meridith Thacker continues to request prayer for a young mother Shalin and Shalin's daughter Iris. Iris has come home from the hospital but must be fed with feeding tubes and is continuing to have trouble swallowing. Lord, hear our prayers.

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