Thursday, April 09, 2009

Maundy Thursday

The Thursday of Holy Week is known as Maundy Thursday, and it is for me always a profound day. The Cross was just hours away, and Jesus knew that time was short. He spent his last hours in an intimate setting around a table with his disciples - his friends - and gave them amazingly direct and revolutionary teaching. First by washing feet, and then simply by uttering the new commandment to "love one another," Jesus taught us about Kingdom Living. And the world has never been the same.
Today, we will all have things crying out for our time and affections, from baseball games to jobs to a hungry family ready for supper. In the swirling moments of this day, I urge you to create a quiet space and read John 13. Listen to the heart of the Rabbi teach on Love, knowing that the Cross will soon be his to carry. And may we all carry his Kingdom Message.

(You can learn more about Maundy Thursday here and here.)

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