As an elder of Tulip Street Christian Church, I have the privilege of praying for God’s people who gather there, as well as for needs in our community as they arise. I want to begin posting these concerns weekly, and ask that as you read them, you would join with the great cloud of witnesses that comprise the Kingdom, and make these prayers your own. Simply mouthing the words “Lord, hear our prayers” will be our collective offering of unity under the name of Jesus. May we pray boldly . . .
Janie Hill - I will be having skin cancer surgery on Wednesday 11-15-06. Please pray. Lord, hear our prayers.
Theresa Banks – Keep my grandchildren in prayer. My granddaughter was married yesterday. Lord, hear our prayers.
Kathy Bolton – Don McNeely tests Tues. Lord, hear our prayers.
Pat Brajnikoff – Richard Reed. Lord, hear our prayers.
Ashlee Bush – My mom. She has some problems and addictions. Lord, hear our prayers.
Ken Delaney – For our church, that the Holy Spirit will ignite revival in our people. Please, Do It Jesus. Lord, hear our prayers.
John Ferrell – my family and friends. Lord, hear our prayers.
Susie Hamilton – unsaved family members. Lord, hear our prayers.
Cheri Joslin – Jill Morse & Alix Richey – death of Jill’s mom. Lord, hear our prayers.
Georgia Slaughter – Richard Reed. Lord, hear our prayers.
Angie Williams – We are within days of finishing a 6 yr long journey. A new wonderful journey is about to begin. Pray that our faith in God’s word will hold steady & strong. Thank you, Angie and James. Lord, hear our prayers.
Bob Zile – wife in Chicago 11/12 – 11/17. Lord, hear our prayers.
Kim Chastain – Mike Wyatt and Millie Swayer. Lord, hear our prayers.
Kim Fults - Her grandmother, Marie Chisham, is ill. Lord, hear our prayers.
Adrienne Phelps - Her grandmother, Irene Stackhouse, is ill and at Floyd Memorial Hospital. Lord, hear our prayers.
Roy McFarland - Roy is the Orleans, IN Chief of Police. Lord, hear our prayers.
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