Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Saving Daylight

Just a quick rant. Really just a couple of thoughts as I sat this afternoon/evening in early darkness.

When is it that we are impressed with the idea to save something? Usually, it's when there is little of something, right? Kind of the whole precious moments deal. A kid won't really start saving money or bubble gum till it's almost gone. Why should time/daylight be any different?

Well, due to a state law that was put into effect this year, the part of Indiana that I call home now sets it clocks to reflect "Daylight Savings Time." And that, dear readers, is a huge misnomer. My wife and I had to put towels over my kids' windows last spring, since they have a bed time of 8:30 - 9:00 -ish, and it was day light until 9:30 or 10 (as the summer went on). Crazy. So now, winter is approaching, and it is getting dark by 5 or 5:30. Pitch black by 6. And that will only get worse as December 21 approaches.

So I guess my question is this -- why hasn't someone introduced a law that SWITCHES daylight savings time to keep the day longer in the winter, and not the summer? Imagine what that would do for the winter blues? I promise I wouldn't care to drive to work in the dark, if I was sure to be driving home in daylight. It just seems to me like we've got the whole deal flip-flopped.

I realize this is a pretty insignificant post in the grand scheme of things, but hey, I just had a thought or two, and thought I'd share.

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