As an elder of Tulip Street Christian Church, I have the privilege of praying for God’s people who gather there, as well as for needs in our community as they arise. I want to begin posting these concerns weekly, and ask that as you read them, you would join with the great cloud of witnesses that comprise the Kingdom, and make these prayers your own. Simply mouthing the words “Lord, hear our prayers” will be our collective offering of unity under the name of Jesus. May we pray boldly . . .
Samantha Johnson – our family in general. Lord, hear our prayers.
Tonda Fletcher – my family. Lord, hear our prayers.
Ronda Taflinger – Jared, a cashier at Paoli Wal-Mart, is a high schooler hurt in an accident. His leg was crushed; he was flown by helicopter to Louisville. Lord, hear our prayers.
Nina McBride – Bailey having surgery Monday (11/20). Lord, hear our prayers.
Kelly Tyree – Roy and Kim McFarland; Dason Neff’s surgery. Lord, hear our prayers.
Luke Kimmel – wedding in one month; mission class ends in a few weeks; School semester closure; Stewardship of life (time, etc.); Life vision – missions discernment. Lord, hear our prayers.
Kim Fults - Her grandmother, Marie Chisham, is ill. Lord, hear our prayers.
Adrienne Phelps - Her grandmother, Irene Stackhouse, is ill and at Floyd Memorial Hospital. Lord, hear our prayers.
Brian Fults – Roy McFarland is the Orleans, IN Chief of Police. Lord, hear our prayers.
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