Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Wow. It kinda stuns me a bit to type this: "2007." Seems pretty weird to me. Ya know when you're a kid, and an old dude says, "You just wait -- before you know it, you'll be _____ (fill in the blank with graduated, married, a parent, retired, etc.). Well, I'm at a place in my life where I can say that I fully agree with the prophecies of the old dude. Time is flying by like crazy. Again, wow.

Mark Waltz, on his excellent blog, posted 20 Ways to Look for God in '07. His list is pretty awesome, and I want to encourage you to lay hold of it and make it your own. It may need tweaked a bit here and there to reflect your current station in life, but capture the essence of what he's getting at, and I promise that 2007 will be a year full of life in Christ for you.

That's the best resolution that any of us could make, or need to make, when we strip it all down to what's truly important -- May 2007 be a year full of life in Christ for each of us!

Happy New Year!


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