Monday, March 31, 2008

Spring Break: The Week in Review

Last week was Spring Break (I know, I'm slow getting this out). For the Collins' this year, Spring Break held a variety of activities and adventures. Just to give you a glimpse into "a week in the life" I thought I'd share the snapshots of our week in review.

Movie Night: Dan in Real Life; August Rush; The Kingdom

Food: Chipotle; Trio's; BW3

Hanging Out: the Bicycle Garage on Kirkwood in Bloomington (I got my Schwinn tuned up for Spring); Greetings on Kirkwood (Jacob is "Hanging with my Gnomies"); Barnes and Noble in Bloomington (I picked up the new N.T. Wright book "Surprised by Hope" while Michaela got "Diary of Anne Frank")

Beverages: Coffee at Soma (no corporate aftertaste); Coffee at Starbucks; Coffee at The Lakehouse Coffee Shop (3 out of 4 voted "hot"); Chimay at The Fiddler's Hearth

Great Friends: The Galloways in Michigan City (thanks for hosting us - it was awesome!)

Great Church: Countryside Christian Church in Michigan City (where The Killers meet Brenton Brown!)

The contrast between getting back home and then having to get up and go back to work and school reminded me of a Red Stripe commercial: Boo, going back to Lehigh. Hooray sleeping at home!

So there you have it - nothing super-fancy, but very cool just to hang with family and friends. Sometimes we all need to remember that we're human beings, not human doings. That's what this week was for us.

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