Thursday, November 13, 2008

Lessons from the Rock: Today Is Mine

When I was a kid, I used to watch Bill Dance Outdoors on Saturday mornings. The theme song for that show was a Jerry Reed tune called “Today is Mine.” It was never a hip, popular song, but the words kind of stuck with me, and every now and then that song – the message of it, really – will pop back up in my life. The drive home from Torrent Falls was one of those times.

I was pretty wiped out on the drive home. But it was a warm, satisfied feeling. Our day climbing was a good day, and it was a day full of proof of God’s crazy love for us, such as:

A son who is also a best friend.

Challenges that taught lessons.

The magic of Chipotle.

The goodness of Starbucks.

Friends to share special moments with.

And sunsets to remind us that God gave us a gift that day.

Each day we can choose how best to live that particular day. If we don’t choose, time will spend itself, and like it or not, there are no “do overs.” But at least on the day of our climb, we chose to live fully; to live outside of comfort zones, and be changed because we had done so. And on that day, I was able to truthfully say “today is mine.”

I will leave you with this quote that I found after our climb. From my limited experience, I am convinced that the quote is true, simply because I had a taste of fear being replaced with courage.

“The rock is a field of battle between our weakness and our strength.”
~ Royal Robbins

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