Monday, December 29, 2008

Meriwether Lewis and 2009

My friend, Todd Sellers, suggested that I read Undaunted Courage, which is the story of Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West. Anywho - I ran across a quote made by Lewis (including his miss-spellings) that I found challenging, especially as 2009 lies just a few days before us.

"This day I completed my thirty first year . . . I reflected that I had as yet done but little, very little indeed, to further the hapiness of the human race, or to advance the information of the succeeding generation. I viewed with regret the many hours I have spent in indolence, and now soarly feel the want of that information which those hours would have given me had they been judiciously expended." He resolved: "In future, to live for mankind, as I have heretofore lived for myself."

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