Friday, February 16, 2007


Over the past few days, I've heard whisperings, each calling me back to a truer, healthier, more God-honoring sense of identity. The whispers have come through friends here in Mitchell (XX!), friends in Ohio (Go Wolverines!), friends I don't really know who speak through their blogs (Mark Waltz and Josh Longbrake), through life stuff (here's to boundaries!), and a couple of brothers who are praying (one, a pirate who is looking for throats to slit, and then there's Agent 260).

A key lesson for me in all of this actually comes from Mark Waltz, who posted this on his blog:

One of the most challenging aspects of my role is keeping the main thing the main thing. That is, continuing to be clear on what I'm saying "yes" to, so that I have conviction and clarity on all the things I need to say "no" to. The tyranny of the urgent is one thing; the tyranny of someone else's urgent is still quite another. Is every need a call? Is every opportunity my personal challenge?


It's a simple word. No. A difficult one to practice.

I am planning to spend the day Monday at St. Meinrad. The retreat center there is extremely awesome, and I have a soul thirsty for a day of quiet. This will be time well spent. If you feel so inclined, I would covet any prayers you could offer on my behalf!

Pax et Bonum!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pics reflecting your trip to St. Meinrad. Would love to read about what came of that day of quiet and solitude for you.

God's best -

Mark Waltz