Thursday, January 03, 2008

Christian Infants and the Marks of Maturity

On the blog Out of Ur, Gordan MacDonald writes in his post So Many Christian Infants these thoughts:

"A definition of a mature Christian is lacking.
Best to say that you know a mature Christian when you see one. They’re in the
New Testament. Barnabas is one. Aquila and Priscilla are others. Onesiphorous
impresses me. And so is the mother of Rufus of whom Paul said, “she has been a
mother to me.” That’s a short list.

The marks of maturity? Self-sustaining in
spiritual devotions. Wise in human relationships. Humble and serving.
Comfortable and functional in the everyday world where people of faith can be in
short supply. Substantial in conversation; prudent in acquisition; respectful in
conflict; faithful in commitments."

Read that paragraph about the marks of maturity again. WOW. Does that describe you? How 'bout me? Does it describe those we worship with on Sunday mornings? And now, for the $1,000,000 question - "Why?" or "Why not?"

How do we spur people on from spiritual milk to the solid food of a life fully surrendered and committed to Christ? I ask, because I know I struggle with consistently living the kind of life that Jesus would call "best." And I want to see our church bear the marks of spiritual maturity, not as an end in itself, but so that we can all play our part in helping "Kingdom Come."

If you're looking for a New Year's Resolution try this: Maybe we could strive to become mature Christians. The world would be better for it.

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