Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Jim and Casper Go To Church

Give this a look, and share your thoughts. I can imagine that this book would provide some interesting commentary and insight into why people don't come to our churches on Sunday mornings.

My small group spent a portion of our gathering on Sunday evening talking about the difference between making converts vs. making disciples. I think we could learn something from Casper.

1 comment:

Matt Casper said...

Thanks for reading and writing about our book!

You honor me with your kind words!

There has been a lot of talk about the book as a tool for churches looking to fill their pews, but I have been thinking differently lately (based on conversations I have been having online and off).

I am beginning to think that examining the "disconnect" (for lack of a better, less negative word) between the practices of today's churches/Christians and the words of Jesus is the point of the book... what do you think?

Happy to talk more. I usually do on www.churchrater.com

Thanks again,
Matt Casper