Friday, February 22, 2008

Re: Jesus Loves You

Okay - this clip is likely going to make some of you mad. That's not the point, so step back and see the big picture. Take a deep breath. Cool?

I'd love to hear your take on this "email exchange" - as I watched, I found myself very much in "
Jim and Casper Go To Church" mode. Are we really thinking about how our message is heard? Are we seeking to understand before being understood? And is our theology solid? These questions and more sprang to mind after watching this clip. Leave a comment and let me know your thoughts.

And don't be mad. :)


Helen said...

I love this video :)

I see you're in Indiana - have you seen our new ChurchRater blog series in which two women in Indiana, a Christian and an atheist, are visiting Christian womens' ministries and writing about them?

Yes they got the idea from Jim and Casper go to Church :)

Paul said...

Ran across Matthew 22:1-14, The Parable of the Wedding Banquet as I was thinking about what the video discusses. Tons of things to unpack from this passage, but one of the things that talks to me is that it is OUR choice to accept the invitation or not. Simple. Behind door A is an eternity spent with the Maker in a loving caring environment, or behind door B is "...darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." All else is human conjecture that is meaningless. The challenge is keeping "religion" and "tradition" out of the way to those who are considering the invitation to the wedding banquet. Great discussion tool!! Thanks...