Monday, August 27, 2007

NOOMA 011 - Rhythm

As I pray for Tulip Street Christian Church, I ask God to help me lead people to not only hear the song of God that surrounds us, but to understand that they can join in. To me, a church is a group of people who collectively hear the most beautiful song imaginable, and make it richer - fuller - by adding their lives to the melody. God invites us to help set the world right. That is the kind of person that I want to be, and it is the kind of church that I want to be a part of - a church that understands its Kingdom role and will lean hard into bringing that role to Life.

This is just a clip from a NOOMA called "Rhythm" that moves me to tears each time I see it, as it depicts what I think of when I think of living life together. I'm praying for my church to realize what life like this can mean; I'm also praying for the wisdom to lead them into that kind of life. Come Lord Jesus!

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