Tuesday, December 05, 2006

What happens when an ignoramus reads the Good Book?

David Plotz is a writer for Slate.com. He is also, as he describes himself, "a proud Jew, but never a terribly observant one." In an interesting turn of events, Plotz has undertaken a project entitled "Blogging the Bible."

Relevantmagazine.com has this to say about Plotz's project: "The writer, who describes himself as a proud but non-observant Jew, is reading through the Bible, chapter by chapter, and blogging about his reactions. He described the project as a look at what happens when "an ignoramus reads the Good Book." Though irreverent in places, it's an interesting look at an outsider's interpretation of the Bible ..."

As Tulip Street continues to ask how we as a people of God can more effectively engage the world with The Message of Jesus Christ, it would seem that this would be an interesting and fruitful exercise, to work through some of Plotz's posts. We might just discover that by listening to another's words, we'll have a better picture of how to share the unchanging story of Jesus in ways that will ring true with those outside of our church walls.

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